Maddah: Journal of Advanced Da'wah Management Research 2024-05-24T05:23:31+07:00 Nasirudin Al Ahsani Open Journal Systems Ketrampilan dan Kepemimpinan Partisipatif Kiai Majlis Dzikr Ta’lim Sabilunnajah Kabupaten Blitar dalam Meningkatkan Ibadah Jama’ah 2024-03-28T10:29:25+07:00 Dina Kusumawati <p>The presence of moral crises and advancements in education and technology in this era tends to elevate human intellectual levels and provide easy access to knowledge, especially in the realm of religion. However, the impact of this digitalization often leads many to overlook the importance of education and their social interactions. Most individuals lean towards living in isolation, rarely engaging with neighbors or friends. Dzikir gatherings emerge as a solution to enhance social life among people. The research aims to understand the leadership skills of Kiai and to identify participatory leadership among them, utilizing a qualitative descriptive approach. The findings reveal that leadership skills in the Dzikir Ta'lim Sabilunnajah include: 1) Technical skills, where Kiai demonstrate proficiency in understanding and elucidating Quranic verses; 2) Kiai exhibit strong interpersonal skills; and 3) Kiai possess the ability to grasp the bigger picture of various issues and relate them to different behaviors within the organizational context. Participatory leadership entails: 1) Setting a good personal example; 2) Motivating congregants; 3) Conducting development and training programs; 4) Creating a supportive environment; and 5) Democratic-charismatic leadership plays a crucial role in the development of the Majlis</p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Maddah: Journal of Advanced Da'wah Management Research Pengaruh Efektifitas Manajemen Organisasi Cordofa Medan dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Beribadah bagi Para Mualaf 2024-03-28T14:35:12+07:00 Dwi Indah Handayani <p>With the increasing number of converts to Islam in Indonesia, Cordofa, as a philanthropic organization, conducts specific outreach activities focused on training converts in religious practices. After deciding to embrace Islam, converts, who come from diverse backgrounds, often face various challenges. Many of them lose their homes and jobs, and are expelled from their families who reject their religious choice. This study uses a quantitative research method. The results of this study indicate that the t-value (tₕᵢₜᵤₙg) is 4.999 and the significance level (sig.) is 0.000. The critical value for t (tₜₐbₑₗ) with degrees of freedom (df) n-44 at α 0.05 is 1.680. Since the t-value (4.999) is greater than the critical value (1.680) and the significance level (0.000) is less than 0.05, H₀ is rejected and H₁ is accepted, meaning that the effectiveness of the organization has a significant influence on the motivation of converts in their religious practices. The findings show that the t-value is 4.999 and the significance level is 0.000. Therefore, we can conclude that the t-value (4.999) is greater than the critical value (1.680) and the significance level (0.000) is less than 0.05. Hence, H₀ is rejected and H₁ is accepted, indicating that the effectiveness of the organization has a significant impact on the motivation of converts in their religious practices.</p> 2024-05-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Maddah: Journal of Advanced Da'wah Management Research Manajemen Masjid Nurul Huda dalam Meningkatkan Minat Mengaji di Majlis Ta'lim Kabupaten Tangerang 2024-05-21T15:42:07+07:00 Khoirotul Islamiyyah <p>The current reality indicates that existing mosques tend to undergo a shift in function from being centers of religious activities to mere grand buildings that lose the essential values ​​that a mosque should possess. The objectives of this research are 1) to understand the management of Nurul Huda Mosque and 2) to increase interest in Quranic studies at the Ta'lim Assembly in Tangerang Regency. This study is a descriptive qualitative research. The research findings show that the Management of Nurul Huda Mosque in Tangerang Regency 1) Gives special attention to improving the quality of Quranic teaching. 2) Actively promotes the Ta'lim Assembly. 3) Actively engages in developing relevant and interesting curricula for their Ta'lim Assembly. Increasing interest in Quranic studies at the Ta'lim Assembly in Tangerang Regency can be achieved through strategic steps: 1) Active promotion of the importance of Quranic studies at Nurul Huda Mosque through social media, announcements, and community events. 2) Regular training for teachers to improve the quality of Quranic teaching. 3) Provision of comfortable facilities at Nurul Huda Mosque. 4) Organization of special events such as Quranic reading competitions and religious seminars. 5) Encouragement of community involvement in supporting the Ta'lim Assembly.</p> 2024-05-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Maddah: Journal of Advanced Da'wah Management Research Konsep Informasi dalam Perspektif Islam 2024-03-28T10:18:31+07:00 Erwan Efendi Irma Damayanti Rony Pernando Sagala Nadia Shaliha br Ginting <p>With the increasing trend of organizations adopting digital technology, the information systems within these organizations need to broaden their scope, not only for internal purposes but also to interact with the general public, government agencies, and respond to current political developments. The aim of this research is to analyze the crucial role of information systems from an Islamic perspective, to be applied by individuals in social life. The research methodology employed in this study is qualitative, utilizing valid data. The findings indicate that the application of information concepts from an Islamic perspective emphasizes the dissemination of information based on facts, honesty, and in accordance with Islamic teachings. In the context of information systems education, these concepts are highly significant and beneficial as effective means to convey information in line with Islamic teachings. The dissemination of information within this conceptual framework encompasses a wealth of knowledge for individuals to understand the essentials of information systems, the characteristics of information concepts, and the necessary components within information systems.</p> 2024-05-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Maddah: Journal of Advanced Da'wah Management Research Optimalisasi Peran Guru dalam Era Kontemporer: Perspektif Menejemen Dakwah Berdasarkan al-Qur’an Surah Ali Imran [3]: 79 2024-03-28T10:22:46+07:00 Fani Firda Yuniarti <p>Amid the noble duties of a teacher, the position of teachers in the education system of this country continues to struggle with various issues, including teacher welfare, the functional status of teachers as temporary staff, and the contractual teaching system that seemingly equates teachers with outsourced labor. Additionally, the government has proposed a policy to sell teachers' services through marketplace platforms. Are teachers' services comparable to commercial goods? Where is the respect for teachers and their duties? This study employs a library research approach. The findings on optimizing the role of teachers from the perspective of the Qur'an, Surah Ali Imran [3]: 79, reveal that the policy of placing teachers on a marketplace does not position teachers as the central figures of education aimed at producing a "rabbani" generation. Instead, it positions teachers merely as service providers and laborers. This policy contradicts the intended meaning of the word "rabbani" associated with both teachers and students. According to this verse, both teachers and students should embody the concept of "rabbani" in their teaching and learning processes. A "rabbani" teacher instructs their students with the aim of developing profound knowledge, while a "rabbani" student respects their teacher through proper conduct and dedication in learning. Selling teachers' services on a marketplace does not provide the space for fostering such "rabbani" teachers and students..</p> 2024-05-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Maddah: Journal of Advanced Da'wah Management Research Strategi Komunikasi Organisasi Dalam Menangkal Radikalisme di Perguruan Tinggi Islam Jember 2024-03-28T10:25:42+07:00 Ach. Wahidi <p>The issue of religious radicalism is more frequently heard than the issue of moderate Islam, emancipatory Islam, and even more so than the discourse on liberal Islam itself. In fact, the issue of radicalism is more prominent compared to various other important issues. Following the Bali bombings on October 12, 2002, the JW Marriott Hotel bombing in Jakarta on August 5, 2003, and July 17, 2009, the Kuningan bombing in Jakarta on September 9, 2004, the Sarinah bombing on January 14, 2016, the Kampung Melayu bombing on May 24, 2017, and the events in Surabaya on Sunday, May 13, 2018, from 06:00 to 08:00 WIB, these incidents have destroyed buildings and claimed hundreds of lives. Therefore, the researcher aims to understand what Islamic higher education institutions are doing to counter these illicit ideologies. This study aims to understand the Organizational Communication Strategy in countering radicalism in Islamic higher education institutions. This research uses a qualitative method with field research and descriptive data analysis. The results of this study show that the Islamic University of Jember synergizes between the government and campus elements and also utilizes mass media to disseminate moderate Islam to students and the general public to counter radicalism.</p> 2024-05-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Maddah: Journal of Advanced Da'wah Management Research Optimalisasi Simas (Sistem Informasi Masjid) oleh Seksi Bimas Islam dalam Meningkatkan Efektivitas Pendataan Masjid di Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Lumajang 2024-05-24T05:23:31+07:00 Elok Faiqotul Himmah Nasirudin Al Ahsani <p>The main issue in mosque maintenance is the need for funding. In Lumajang, several areas in Jatiroto subdistrict and its surroundings frequently conduct fundraising on the highways to expedite the construction or rehabilitation of mosques. Another alternative is to obtain operational assistance from the government by integrating or registering with SIMAS. Optimizing SIMAS is important to support the management and dissemination of mosque-related information. The focus of the research is: 1) How does the Islamic Guidance Section optimize SIMAS? 2) How is the effectiveness of mosque data collection improved at the Lumajang Office of Religious Affairs? This study uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive research type. The research subjects are selected using purposive sampling. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques follow the Miles and Huberman model. Data validity is ensured using source and technique triangulation. The results of this study are as follows: In optimizing SIMAS, 1) The Islamic Guidance Section synergizes with the Village Government, KUA, and DMI. 2) Provides accurate and easily accessible mosque information to the public. 3) Offers friendly and informative services. There has been an increase in the effectiveness of mosque or prayer room data collection. As of May 2023, approximately 1,382 mosques and around 3,422 prayer rooms in Lumajang have been recorded in SIMAS, complete with addresses, land area, building area, Google Maps locations, and the number of mosque staff.</p> 2024-05-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Maddah: Journal of Advanced Da'wah Management Research